45 VISIONS OF WHAT LIES AHEAD Edited by Gordon Van Gelder. Including my story “The Men Will Be Hungry Afterwards” https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/welcome-to-dystopia/
Category Archive for ‘Featured Posts’ 
Weekly Sphere — Dinah Hulet
Dinah Hulet. Temari style at 1-15/32″ (37 mm) in diameter. The marble is signed “Hulet/02” Part of the fun of a Hulet sphere is finding the signature. One way to do it is to turn it in your fingers until you feel something very slightly scratchy and then use a magnifying glass.
Welcome to my new site
I have never blogged before, so I do not know what I will say, how this will go, if there is any chance you will like what I do here. We’ll see. I want to talk about short fiction sooner or later. I want to talk about interstitial issues and literature. I am interested in virtual worlds and the way we are becoming multi-people with our social networks. I think I will talk about time soon. I will probably show you what I am cooking in the way of local […]